Friday, April 29, 2011

clown nose

so apparently my sinuses decided to go on strike and cause a riot. buttfaces. so now I have this nasty case of dry/red skin right under my nose, you know that part that is all nice and soft? and then when you blow your nose you wipe it twice to make sure you didn't leave any green residue? well. it's bright red. lemme tell you, it is NOT an accessory in this season. ha imagine? any who. I wore a earth green shirt with a jean jacket to work and some black pants. no accessories because my shirt has this cool design where it has flowers made of zippers. that's something that I'm starting to look out for, shirts that can be worn with minimal accessories because every girl (and true gay guy) knows that her accessories are vital in a voluminous wardrobe but you don't want to over wear them cause then you start looking like a picture (bad) SO that's why you have some pieces that you can just put on and the piece itself will count as your statement piece. (meaning you dont have to add something else in order for your outfit to stand out) my new challenge though is to buy another pair of pants for work but also look for other black bottoms that are appropriate. I'm thinking some nice black shorts but paired with black non see through tights? im positive my boss won't mind since my customers sure won't ;)

Thursday, April 28, 2011

such a lovely day

SO, since the weather outside is delightful, you should all totally be wearing some adorable flowery shorts or dresses. with some cute sandles!  I have a confession though. . .I don't know what this seasons color is because I've been lagging it with my elle re-subscription so that will soon come haha. ANYWHO I have work today so i'll be selling old people some glasses with the exception of some younger people. eh. does anyone need a fashion merchandiser that still happens to be going to school? no? no? any takers?

a little AWOL

sometimes I don't like reading certain books because it leaves me with a feeling of unfulfillment. in a matter of areas. maybe my fashion experience, my love life, or lack of money. after you read a book it leaves a little of itself behind. idk gotta start being careful what I read. anywho! sorry I have not been keep'n you updated. (mellisa) so today was a work day so there wasn't any brilliant outfit but I digress. I did look really cute with my braids pinned up in a sort of braided crown with an added flower head band for a springy touch. have to admit though didn't feel too hot with my damn sinuses. I was sneezing in all my patients faces today ha. on a side note though. I'm totally loving those flowy material shorts. (if your butt looks flat skip the thong, if that doesnt help then add a support system ;) meaning a butt garter ofcourse! ha)
Tata for now lovelies.

yes I am mad at you alex. leave me alone.

Friday, April 22, 2011

light at the end

isn't it funny when you think it's gonna be a boring just laid back day and then it ends with a BANG. well. I loved my bang :) makes me realize how we never know what the day has in store for us. and how boring it would be to know. on another note, I will not be talking about today's outfit because I am ashamed. (looked horrible) and on an even more unrelated note, I see people are reading my blog but not following, or leaving comments. LETS GET THE BALL ROLL'N!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

one word.



ugh. im nervouse.

right now as I write this, I am gazing at my other half. god he's adorable. but that is not the purpose for this entry, today i have my driving test. i know i know your almost twenty thats something you do as soon as you turn sixteen. BiTE ME. i hate driving ok? sue me. i hate how you ca only be in control of your actions but not everyone elses. but whatevs, i have to get it done. on a better subject this is what I'm wearing today ;)

casual before i got to work!  then ill just switch my jeans for my black slacks and wear my black flats.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

wardrobe for the day

well, today is sort of an important day, I will be trying to get a job at one of three bank of america's, AND today my love and I will be going to pick up the new addition to our family : ) a siberian husky EEEEEEEEEEE!!!
but anywho this is what ill be wearing..

 hope it sparks some ideas! 
good luck<3

Monday, April 18, 2011

A Little on Date Nights.

Just had a wonderful time with my certain other on a great date! The best part? It was so simple but I had alotta fun :) Ive come to find that it doesn't take alot for me to categorize our outings in the fun column which must be good for him ha. we went to barnes and noble and coinsidentaly we chose books in the same category hehe. great minds think alike! On another note, I've decided to get serious about getting fit. I'll keep you posted on how that goes...
are you gonna eat that? kidding.

Days off

Can I start off by saying what an ugly day?  I was so pissed because of course on the Sunday that I didn't work its the sunniest and warmest day, but when its my day off the clouds come rushing in and you can almost here them locking into place.  ugh. and today was just a total disappointment. but hey! not cool for my first post! if your reading this, your probably the only one who ever will. who cares?

ciao bellas!